O Come

Another break from Letters to Benedict to post some O antiphons.

Traditional O Antiphons begin on 17th December but you can easily start a bit earlier by making up your own. Here’s a few to give you some ideas, based on my recent observations.

O heater of chestnuts

Thank you Jesus, that you feed us.

O sitter in doorways

Disturb us, homeless Jesus.

O sun dancer

From the margins of the cosmos, come and dance with us Jesus.

O morning blackbird

Come to your broken world, Jesus.

I’ve also written some short prayers to accompany the traditional Os. Here they are.

O Wisdom (17th December)

Lend me your wisdom, Jesus

O majesties (18th December)

I look to you for inspiration, majestic one.

O root of Jesse (19th December)

May I be rooted in Jesus

O key of David (20th December)

May I be open to Jesus

A locked door on the Severn Way

O rising sun (21st December)

Welcome, risen One

O ruler of nations (22nd December)

Welcome, kindom builder

O Emmanuel (23rd December)

Enrol us in your company, Always-with-us.

Janet Lees 09.12.2020 in Longdendale.