The remains of the bed

We have dismantled our bed. We shall sleep on the mattresses for our last week here, just as we did when we moved in. It’s difficult to know what was holding the bed together: fluff and hope perhaps.
Under the bed, I found £2.41 in change, only £1.41 of which is still legal tender. We’ve made a temporary bed out of 3 old mattresses. It’s like indoor camping.
We’re now into the last week of clearing up. Yesterday’s find included a quote from 1992. A notice seen in a hospital: ‘Due to funding problems the light at the end of the tunnel has been switched off‘. Maybe things didn’t seem that different in 1992.
Ten years in in this house, and nearly 28 years of marriage we’ve got through a couple of beds at least. There’s been a lot of fluff but also a lot of hope.
Remembering beds in the Bible I recall Jesus saying to one person he met, who’s friends had taken the roof off: ‘Take up your bed and move on‘. And so we do, leaving fluff behind, but travelling in hope.

In our life and our believing
The love of God

JAL 17.02.2019