Why Benedict?


You’d not think a rule by a bearded man would have much appeal to the rule-challenger that I like to think I am. Whilst it’s true that I’m not very good with the great men, I have a place in my heart for Benedict and for the communities of Benedictines that continue to welcome and nurture me. These sisters and brothers have been most kind and worshipping with them has been renewing.
My remembered version of the Rule of St Benedict concentrates largely on the beginning with a few bits in the middle. What I remember is it’s not supposed to be onerous or harsh and that’s how I try to interact with it.

When felting wool I take a few strands and lay them down, and then I take a few more and lay them down and then a few more and so on. It isn’t until quite a few layers are built up that I add the warm soapy water that will felt them together into a new project. Benedict doesn’t mention the community felter alongside cellarer, porter and prior or abbess but that role of taking strands and bringing them together is a community role. It’s one I enjoy and in my community felting I bring together different layers of the remembered bible, remembered rule and remembered stories and silences of all kinds.
So today I remember all those who engage with the Rule of St Benedict in whatever way, whether written down, remembered or felted and I give thanks for hospitality and worship felted together over hundreds of years, new communities emerging in new colours and prayer and silence still nurturing.

In our life and our believing
The love of God

11th July 2018