We know a song or two

Just at the Southend of the Kintyre peninsula is a small ruined chapel, some caves and a well linked to St Columba by what are said to be his footprints.
He is said to have stopped here in 563 on his way to Iona. The Antrim coast is visible and pilgrims made the crossing from there up until the mid 18th century.
The graveyards have a long history and many stories, not least the three grandsons of the local minister lost in WW1. My song was ‘Jesus, remember them’.
We took the switchback Road that leads to the Mull of Kintyre, ruminating on opening a Paul McCartney theme park in a local disused hotel. At the end of the public road the small car park was almost empty. We set off downhill to the lighthouse 2 kms away. There were many Magpie Moths trying to navigate in the wind, and a lovely range of flowering plants including heather, harebell and scabious.
The downward journey took half an hour and the journey back, with 280 metres of ascent only 50 minutes, which given the rather relentless gradient was satisfying. We could see the rain clouds gathering over the Antrim coast. Obviously there was only one song for this part of the journey. Join in when you know it…. Mull of Kintyre

Over my head, I hear music in the air:
There must be a God somewhere