Being Angry

This week began with World Mental Health Day and we’ve been following this theme in Senior School Chapel. The following piece is informed by some conversations this week:

Being angry is not a sin,

to those sinned against

by neglect, addiction or abuse.

Being angry is not weird

when you see how unfair the world is

and feel powerless to change it.


I’d punch a wall,

rip the curtains,

shout and scream

if my head was full

of red, red anger.


You wrote a story about New York;

people dead in the streets.

You wrote another about your life

but you told no one.


Some people tell you

don’t make excuses,

but I’ll tell you now

You’re doing better:

talking, exercising,

trying Tai-Chi.


Being angry is a thing,

a response, a state.

It’s real and it’s happening now,

and you can change the world:

you do have the power.