Not there

Did you go to church today?

Me neither.

Of course I’ve been in Chapel all week, but that doesn’t always count in the church-based world view. Not there for the one hour Sunday club means ‘lost’.

Only you and I know it doesn’t. It might mean frustrated, angry, feeling excluded, busy, neglected, bored, being creative elsewhere, outside, praying alone, or thousands of other things.

Unfortunately the inside of the church is not very interested in what those on the outside are doing, particularly not for the all important one hour a week.

On my list of creative worshipful options available today I have: go for a walk, pick plums, cook, write, read, listen, think, explore.

I remembered an encounter between Jesus and some would-be disciples. ‘They ask him ‘Where do you live?’ He replies ‘Come and see’. I’m a come and see person. There’s so much to come and see everywhere.

So today, I’m not there. I’m outside: come and see.


God of the open door, turn us inside out:

May everyday count as much as one day.

This is the day, and we are ready to serve God today.