New timetable, same Hours


It’s week two of term and we’re gradually getting the hang of the new timetable. It means slight changes in timing of some beginnings and endings during the school day. It also means some changes about who comes to chapel and when.
Before school we still have our short chapel service for senior school year groups. This service lasts about ten minutes and is the way we start the day. Sometimes there’s a short lunchtime chapel usually for younger age groups. New this year is an afternoon chapel for Juniors in the middle of the week.
From my first day at school seven years ago, I introduced the idea the Remembered Bible (RB) which is an oral strategy of biblical retelling. This results in conversations about the Bible at various times and in different places not confined to chapel.

The other foundation of our chapel activity comes from patterns shared in communities old and newer. To have worship together in the morning is something common to many communities, as are the lunchtime offices. Now we have added an end of afternoon gathering which is another common time for worship together. To stand at the door in the morning, at lunchtime or the end of the afternoon and smile or speak to the young people as the leave chapel is a moment that makes my spirit soar. There may be a new timetable to get the hang of but we share these Hours with many other communities and that is a good feeling.

On our school and on our working
The help of God