The Christmas sausage roll

‘Great assembly about the sausage roll by the way’, said a Muslim student after Chapel today.
It was a celebration of Greggmas, a bit later perhaps but held over from the end of last term when I had been ill and had to cancel it. Now we’d had our respective celebrations and maxed out on Christmas adverts so it seemed a good time to invite reflection on it all.
I am not insulted by a sausage roll in a manger, I said. I can’t speak for everyone, or for all Christians, but I am not insulted. Each morning in chapel I stand in front of the cross, a far bigger insult to God than misplaced baked goods. To take the baby and, even though now grown up, crucify the Son, that was an insult. Being born is still the most dangerous journey in the world.

In our life and our believing
The love of God