Live, create, offer


Last weekend I took Bambi to the Northern regional meeting of the Lay Community of St Benedict. It was in Wolverhampton. It’s OK, we will get them further north eventually (there were people there from Torquay).
I’ve been a seeker in the Lay Community since last autumn, and last weekend made my first formal promise of membership in the community. The words include the promise to ‘Live Holy communion, create Holy space and offer Holy service’. It’s likely to take a lifetime to unpack.
I’m grateful to my fellow lay Benedictines for their welcome. As a wandering loose canon for a while now, it’s good to feel some connection again.
Bambi played her part: others came to visit, to look, talk and share. This small beginning confirmed me that Bambi can be a space for communion and service, amongst other things.

Everyday we are held in God’s gaze,
On right or wrong days,
Through wide or narrow ways:
God is eye to eye with us
Holding, confirming, loving.