Bridging another Gap

There are lots of gaps along the Wall. Here are some more prayers to fill the gaps.

Prayer in four directions 
I look to the east, from where the sun rises; as the day begins prepare me, body, mind and spirit, for the adventures of today.
I look to the south, as the sun climbs to miday, may my body, mind and spirit be focused on following Christ’s way today.
I look to the north, as the sun passes the zenith and begins to fall, may my body, mind and spirit not fall or fail today.
I look to the west, where the sun sets in a blaze of glory, giving thanks for the day, for the working together of my body, mind and spirit,
Glory to you, God of all directions.

Beside still water
Hush, hush, hush, be still
And know that I am God.
Purple heather, purple fireweed,
Purple thistles , purple knapweed,
Ripening raspberries:
Purple was the Emperor’s colour.
Here, now it is nature’s glory
And homage to the Living God.

Remnant of a pilgrim song
We will walk, we will walk,
Every step that we take,
Every prayer that we make,
We will go on our way with God.