Bog, sweat and cheers

The Wall goes on, and on and on. In the rain there’s fewer walkers. However, there is Bob for company quite a bit of the time today as he moved the car on to keep up with me. There’s the occasional muddy patch but little true bog so far. A damp patch caused by a spring a Brunton Turret didn’t really count as bog as it was visible running water.
Even in wet weather there is plenty of sweat. There are up hill bits and occasional patches of blue sky later on; both possible contributors to sweat.
Today’s route went past St Oswald’s church once again. We stopped for our picnic lunch there. Then it was onto Chesters fort, which we visited once before with friends. This time we just had ice cream. I then did a further mile to Walwick, to even out the distance for today and tomorrow.
Our accommodation tonight is the new YHA The Sill. The walls in the bar area (the place for cheers, particularly after over 11 miles of walking, the longest so far) are decorated with some good poems about the local landscape, including one by Emily Dickinson. The Whinn Sill is the geological feature that Emperor Hadrian chose for the Northern frontier of the Roman empire.

From the sky to the earth
The presence of God