Dance, then, wherever you may be


Video of Harry and Jacob showing us a dance they learnt from children in Tanzania at Chapel yesterday.

Each day this week we have had a presentation from members of the Tanzania Team telling us of their experiences during half term. It was an opportunity to hear them give voice to the experiences that they all acknowledged as ‘life-changing’.

In a week that has also seen us undergo a full school inspection, it is true to say that what they said sums up what we are about: the development of the full potential of each child and young person, not just in academic terms, but as rounded human beings.

In 14 days, 46 young people and 6 staff, working with members of the local community and a voluntary organisation they transformed two schools together, both inside and outside and made resources for the local community and school to share, principally to improve the local supply of water. On the way they ate, slept and used toilets way outside their previous experiences and interacted with people of all ages. Life-changing for all involved.

On our life and our beleiving

The love of God