Category Archives: Lent

The sweet smell

There was a strange smell in the Sixth Form this morning. Something had ‘gone off’.

May the sweet smell of kindness,
And the warmth of concern
Fill your hearts and minds
And dispel the sour smell of fear,
Today and everyday.

JAL: 16.03.2017
For Silcoates Sixth Form

We are dust

Remember you are dust….

We are dust,
the very stuff of the universe;
atoms and molecules make us
and all things.
We return to dust
to be recycled across the cosmos
atoms and  molecules
scattered across the heavens.
Dust to dust:
this is how we are resurrected,
born again, light years away,
bringing to birth the hope of heaven.

Dust creator, you cherish your creation:
Help us so to cherish it.
Dust bearer, you too come from dust:
May we wear our status humbly.
Dust animator, you activate us:
Whirl us up to dance together
In tune with God and with each other,
For 40 days and more.