Category Archives: call

Creed 2016

Creed for a School Chaplain: I actually wrote this at the beginning of 2016, and it was used during the service of Hallowing that we held in Chapel on my birthday.

I believe in Jesus,
in whose footsteps we follow;
born like us,
challenged by life,
alone in death.
He rose again
in unlikely circumstances,
inspiring our forebears
to remember his stories, words and actions.

I believe in this community
of not quite saints,
who daily undergo challenges
to develop and grow
in faith and love.
We tell his story with our lives,
not perfectly but winsomely.

I believe in the Holy Spirit
who inspires me everyday
with the reflection of Christ’s glory
in each person here:
who surprises us
in classrooms and corridors
with the unlikely signs
of God’s presence with us.
This is the God in whom we believe:
one who waits for unlikely moments,
creates unexpected opportunities,
listens and observes
the smallest details of our lives
and makes them count.

I believe
and by God’s grace will go on believing,
that the church is bigger than we have made it,
that our neighbours are closer than we dare think,
and I understand I am called to share these things with you all,
modifying and sculpting together our responses
to God active in us and the world around us.

In our life and our believing
The Love of God

JAL: 06.01.2016
The Feast of the Epiphany.